
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Graffiti is .....

the difference between living in one of the best neighborhoods in the most beautiful city in America, and living in a ghetto.

So I am trying to use ease of sending photo messages from a cell phone to make reports of graffiti. I try to concentrate on public grafitti, such as in parks, on mailboxes, public poles etc, because I think it is the City's job to also try to clean up the graffiti on its property, and it is only going to happen when pushed. Second I look at commercial buildings. I have sympathy for those who are trying to run a business in the City and also have to deal with the problem of graffiti. I believe if the graffiti is cleaned, that businesses will improve. Then there are some trouble spots. Many of them are empty buildings, that the owners are holding off the market in hopes for higher rents, and letting them be neglected and staying graffiti for long periods. There are some building that are hit with graffiti for bad luck, wrong place wrong time. I

1 comment:

  1. Hi-

    I am a reporter from the SF Chronicle and I would love to talk to you about using Twitter to report graffiti to SF311. Would you please give me a call at 415-777-6038 or send me an e-mail at


